  • drdread
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
2 years ago
Now and again you get a user who just wants to say thanks and clicks an adsense ad ten times in a row just to say, thanks for helping me out.

Now I can understand why Google would want to count this as a single ad cick.

But every day I see that we've had 100 exit clicks from Statcounter, and Google say we've had 10.

Now discounting all of the same IP clicks and everything else, from what I can see, Google tend to short change out internetadvice.co.uk site by roughly ten times.

What is this all about?

Is there a better provider of adsense style ads?

What can I do to be sure that we are being paid for all of our clicks?

Obviously there is no way to contact adsense directly as that would mean Google making less money, whereas when they rob us, that's fine.

I do not know what to say about the internet other than the US obviously use it to cheat the rest of us.

Is there any way back from this terrible place the rest of the world finds itself in?

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