  • Lemonde
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4 years ago
I have a PC here that I can create new users on and give permissions to, but when I try and log in as that user I see:

The User Profile service failed the sign-in.

User profile cannot be loaded.


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4 years ago
If it is an Administrator account, try adding a password.
  • Lemonde
  • 100% (Exalted)
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4 years ago
I cannot see how to do that, there is no option under accounts to add a password that I can see.
4 years ago
Click the Start Button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen with the mouse arrow and type control and select Control Panel when it appears.

Go to Accounts in there and you can choose to change another account and there is a 'create password' option.
  • Lemonde
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4 years ago
Try resetting file permissions under c:\users

From an elevated command prompt, run:

icacls "c:\users" /reset /t /c /l

You should now be (hopefully) able to see the folders under c:\users that represent the profiles of the users you are trying to log in as.

It may also be worth running sfc /scannow in the command prompt before you reboot and try logging in.
  • Lemonde
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4 years ago
OK I can see the folders, but I still get the same message when logging in.
  • Lemonde
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  • drdread
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3 years ago
Did you manage to figure this out?