These people are crooks and thieves. I was persuaded to open an account with I was then contacted by a woman who said her name was Nina and that she would be my account manager. She then supposedly began trading cryptocurrency on my behalf and my account stood at 8000 euros according to their website. Then she said that we should open a trading account with Coinbase, the cryptocurrency providers, and that she would help me with any paperwork.
It was then that I discovered that in opening the account, she had copied down my bank details and had proceeded to clear everything out of my account, she actually left my account overdrawn by taking over £5000 GBP. Needless to say I have not heard from her since. I have spent the past 2 months trying to withdraw the supposed 8000 euros on the website. The phone is never answered, my emails are ignored, and they are definitely still doing the same to other people. Steer clear of them before they do the same to you.