  • Lemonde
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
7 years ago
Here is the kind of resistance you encounter when trying to recover your insurance value from Hermes:

MyHermes: Hi, my name is MyHermes. How may I help you?
Customer: I need to make a claim for damage to my delivered parcel
MyHermes: I'm so sorry to hear you received your parcel damaged.
Customer: No I sent it
Customer: My eBay buyer want to return it
Customer: wants to return it sorry
MyHermes: Can you please confirm the 16 digit parcel id.
Customer: 5640780252703986
MyHermes: Please allow me a minute while i check this for you.
MyHermes: Can you provide me with photos of the damage caused to the parcel please?
Customer: yes how do I attache?
File attachment upload has started.
The file RtnDownloadFile (1).png (104.24KB) was received.
File attachment upload has started.
The file RtnDownloadFile (2).png (198.57KB) was received.
MyHermes: Can you confirm the contents of the parcel, what was it made from and what was the extent of the damage?
File attachment upload has started.
The file RtnDownloadFile (3).png (155.23KB) was received.
File attachment upload has started.
The file RtnDownloadFile (4).png (106.67KB) was received.
File attachment upload has started.
The file RtnDownloadFile.png (149.55KB) was received.
Customer: Well the back was dented in and the PC no longer powers up and so they wish a full refund
Customer: Even though it was surrounded with expanded polystyrene
MyHermes: Can you also confirm that the contents of your parcel are not on the list of items that are excluded from compensation for damage, provided in the link below:
Customer: so they must have dropped it on something sharp
Customer: yes it is not on the list
MyHermes: The item you have send falls under the excluded list.
Customer: how?
Customer: it does not
Customer: explain yourself
MyHermes: Please check the list i have provided to you.
Customer: I just did - it is not there
MyHermes: Iam sorry but iam unable to send you the damage claim form.
Customer: explain please - you are not making any sense
Customer: There is no computer on your excluded list
MyHermes: I can see that moniter is in excluded list. hence i can not help you with this.
Customer: there is no monitor
Customer: it is a PC
Customer: do you know what a PC is?
Customer: it is a metal box
Customer: with a computer in
MyHermes: Yes i know but iam very sorry to say that i check the excluded list its there in it.
Customer: are you trying to be difficult on purpose?
Customer: no it isn't
Customer: show me it in the list
Customer: name the item
Customer: stop wasting time
Customer: Which item?: All tickets including travel and events
Antiques (objects over 100 years old)
Any dangerous, hazardous or prohibited goods (as detailed in our Prohibited Goods section)
Any foods solid or liquid contained in glass or ceramics - (all liquids are prohibited)
Articles made largely or wholly of gold, silver or other precious metals
Bankers' drafts
Bearer securities including share warrants
Bonds or relative coupons un-franked postage or revenue stamps (except a revenue stamp embossed or impressed on an instrument which has been executed)
Ceramic or composite items of any description including without limitation glass, mirrored items, crystal, ceramics, porcelain, plaster, marble, china, stone, slate, resin, granite, concrete (or any item containing these materials)
Cheques or dividend warrants which are uncrossed and made payable to the bearer
Chilled food
Coupons, Vouchers, Tokens, Stamps
Credit cards / debit cards
Currency notes or coins
Current bank notes
Diamonds and other precious stones with a value in excess of £250
Flat packed furniture with sharp metal edges
Fossils, Stones, Stoneware
Frozen food
Furniture (Unless flat packed)
Human and animal remains including, without limitation, ashes
Items made of or containing glass
Items which can be exchanged by themselves or with any other item for money or goods or services
Items which have been strapped together
Jewellery with a value over £250 or antique items
Kitchen Appliances - White goods/coffee machines/microwaves
Liquid food items or items contained in glass or ceramics - (all liquids are prohibited)
Lottery tickets, scratch cards or similar
Marble or any stone derivative
Musical instrument hard cases and suitcases when used as external packaging
Musical instruments
National insurance stamps
Negotiable documents i.e. Passport
Paintings/Canvas Prints
Perishable food
Perishable goods
Plants, seeds, flowers, and plant derivatives
Real fur
Resin items, amber and composites
Scripts or subscription certificates
SIM cards
Tobacco and Tobacco products
TV's & Monitors
Uncrossed postal orders which do not state to whom they are to be paid
Watches over £250 or antique items
MyHermes: Was there a moniter in it?
Customer: look at the picture
Customer: there is NO MONITOR!!!
MyHermes: Are you talking about cpu.
Customer: there is no monitor
Customer: you have wasted a lot of time now
Customer: I see that you are rttrying to put me off claiming
Customer: but this is an expensive item and I need to be compensated now that you have broken it
Customer: that is why I added £200 value to the parcel, and thank goodness I did
Customer: although they paid £244
MyHermes: Sorry for the miscommunication.
MyHermes: I will send you the damage claim form via email on your registered email address after concluding this chat.
Customer: OK
MyHermes: Is there anything else i can help you with.
Customer: OK I don't have the form yet
MyHermes: Thank you for contacting myhermes.
Customer: i dont have it yet
MyHermes: I will send you once this chat is concluded.
Customer: OK awaiting form
MyHermes: Yes thank you.
MyHermes has disconnected.

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