  • Lemonde
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2 years ago
Has anyone seen this website?

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Talk about idiotic!

There is a mention on the blog here:  Jeremy Clarkson Bitcoin 

Apparently Jeremy was on 'This Morning' which doesn't sound very likely , and spent the interview explaining that he really makes money from Bitcoin rather than being on TV!

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2 years ago
Please do be careful of the Jeremy Clarkson Bitcoin scams circulating at the moment as they are all basically the same boiler room scam. We have seen the same concept with so many celebrities now it is getting ridiciulous.

If you have a read of the blog link then you will be able to get an uinderstanding of what is happening with these scams.
2 years ago

Not more of thi, PLEASE!

Where do these people come from anyway?

Jeremy Clarkson, just like James May and Rob Brydon is not using a stupid app to increase wealth and then bragging about it on national television!