  • andrewt2m
  • 100% (Exalted)
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 months ago
 image.png You have insufficient rights to see the content.

It screws everything up so that you can't right click and choose print to just print an object - you just get this file instead...

Create PDF learn more or whatever.

I cannot see anything in the preferences to get rid of it...???


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10 months ago
This means you have assocaiated another applications file extension with Adobe Reader - you need to right click the file you're rtying to open and choose open with and then choose other app and then select the correct app (Excel or whatever) and tick the always use this application when opening this filetype or whatever it says nowadays and it should return to opening with that correct app every time and you will no longer see an ad from Adobe trying to persuade you to convert it to a PDF for $20 per month.